Welcome to Glow By Rabia
My name is Rabia and I am a UK registered pharmacist by profession and an aesthetics practitioner. I am constantly on the search to optimise my lifestyle and hectic day to day routine as I balance working life, staying healthy and having enough time for my friends and family, my findings are based on scientific evidence and I hope you benefit them too!
My obsession with finding the best ways to better myself began when I was a trainee pharmacist working full time for the first time after leaving university whilst trying to study for the Pre-registration exam and maintaining some level of sanity by socialising occasionally.
A number of contributing factors including stress, my awful diet (that maximised my revision time) and probably hormones flying left right and centre left me with adult acne, this is something I was lucky enough not to have experienced throughout my teenage years so waking up to a painful chin every morning was just not fun! I desperately began looking for answers for the quickest fix but it seemed that I was just pouring money away and nothing was happening, the more money I wasted on a rubbish product the more frustrated I became with finding one that worked.
My background in pharmacy gave me an advantage as I was quickly able to understand complicated labels and apply my knowledge of the ingredients and how they would interact with the human body.
I went on to train in Aesthetics with The Medicines and Aesthetics Training Academy in Harley Street, this branch of pharmacy gave me a sense of fulfilment by helping women feel and look beautiful.
Glow By Rabia was put together to do just that. There is often an overwhelming amount of information out there but on this site I aim to provide you with answers, answers that are backed up with science, answers that will make you feel empowered, answers that solve your problems and allow you to be the best version of yourself.
My aim is to be your go to person for all things pharmacy, skin care, health and beauty related so feel free to ask me anything through the contact page.