It seems that since going into lock down, the sun has not stopped shining! Mid April…sunshine…we all know what this means. Hay fever season has arrived to taunt us. With more pollen roaming around to torment us it may increase…
Do I Have Hay fever or Coronavirus?
11 Productive Things You Can Do Whilst Locked Down During The Coronavirus
It seems that in a few short weeks our whole lives have turned upside down, this virus has impacted everything about normal life and it can be hard to see the light at the end of the tunnel at times….
Which Acids Do I Need in My Skincare Routine?
Have you ever found yourself shopping for serums and creams and wondering what actually are all these different acids? Why do I need them and what will they do ? A lot of them seem to claim to do a…
5 AFFORDABLE Fixes For Dry Hands
If you have been washing your hands non-stop and sanitising in between your hands probably feel so dry that they could be used as sand paper right now. Where it is essential to keep washing them as often as possible…
Vitamin-D For Health and Happiness
We have often heard of vitamin-D being important for strong bones and teeth but there’s a few other benefits to it as well. Benefits 1.Fighting disease; it helps fight disease, and reduces the likelihood of developing cold and flu symptoms, this is more important than…